In order to illustrate the way that UM followers are indoctrinated and the flimsy nature of their beliefs, I thought it would be useful to post a discussion I had with several of them on a Facebook page focused on exposing UM. It is fascinating to see how robotic their responses are, as well how much they lie; I know several Universal Medicine members and they certainly do not behave in the restrained way that these Facebook users want everyone to believe.
Also, if one looks at their pages, it is obvious that these people have completed removed any sort of opposing value system and have completely given themselves to Serge's commands. The only 'likes' they have are of books by Serge Benhayon or music by Chris James, and the few friends they have are mostly from the UM area or are 'esoteric' practitioners. Does this not contradict their claims that 'I've met Serge he hasn't asked me do anything or believe in anything, just feel that there may be a different way to life', or that 'I have never been told what to do or been encouraged to spend lots of money, or stay dependent on them, serge actively discourages 'followers'. How are they supposed to present a balanced view? Serge's trick is precisely to make those following him believe they aren't followers, a sort of doublespeak that allows them to claim they are free and independent whilst totally lapping up every word he says. The mechanical way that all UM followers, including those that I know, defend themselves illustrates this clearly.
Mark Twist: So why is it Hambone and Lachlan that UniMed has you concerned. Is it because it stirs something inside of you? It all comes down to choice and that word called freedom. Brain washed,lost souls, born again or what ever, people go looking for their truth in all sorts of ways, some find it in religion others sitting on top of a mountain and for some listening to another speak and what they have said touches a truth inside of them,if this happens why the fuss. I've met Serge he hasn't asked me do anything or believe in anything, just feel that there may be a different way to life. I haven't paid out thousands of dollars nor have I been asked to contribute on a daily,weekly or yearly basis. I work, have a house to pay off it's all normal. So I sit and listen to a guy speak about truth, love and being honest to ones-self, I don't feel that makes me a cult victim but I'm sure there are others out there who will see and read my words differently, that's ok for it happens, people have been bastardizing others words for years.
Also, if one looks at their pages, it is obvious that these people have completed removed any sort of opposing value system and have completely given themselves to Serge's commands. The only 'likes' they have are of books by Serge Benhayon or music by Chris James, and the few friends they have are mostly from the UM area or are 'esoteric' practitioners. Does this not contradict their claims that 'I've met Serge he hasn't asked me do anything or believe in anything, just feel that there may be a different way to life', or that 'I have never been told what to do or been encouraged to spend lots of money, or stay dependent on them, serge actively discourages 'followers'. How are they supposed to present a balanced view? Serge's trick is precisely to make those following him believe they aren't followers, a sort of doublespeak that allows them to claim they are free and independent whilst totally lapping up every word he says. The mechanical way that all UM followers, including those that I know, defend themselves illustrates this clearly.
Mark Twist: So why is it Hambone and Lachlan that UniMed has you concerned. Is it because it stirs something inside of you? It all comes down to choice and that word called freedom. Brain washed,lost souls, born again or what ever, people go looking for their truth in all sorts of ways, some find it in religion others sitting on top of a mountain and for some listening to another speak and what they have said touches a truth inside of them,if this happens why the fuss. I've met Serge he hasn't asked me do anything or believe in anything, just feel that there may be a different way to life. I haven't paid out thousands of dollars nor have I been asked to contribute on a daily,weekly or yearly basis. I work, have a house to pay off it's all normal. So I sit and listen to a guy speak about truth, love and being honest to ones-self, I don't feel that makes me a cult victim but I'm sure there are others out there who will see and read my words differently, that's ok for it happens, people have been bastardizing others words for years.
- Felicity Latchford This is a brilliant response mark, so honest and simple, thanks so much for sharingFriday at 3:04am ·
- Felicity Latchford Who serge may or may not have been is not what draws me to unimed. I am drawn to the love I have felt in each and every interaction I have had with them and most importantly that I have exactly the same love living within me when I choose it. Unimed fails every description of a cult- I have never been told what to do or been encouraged to spend lots of money, or stay dependent on them, serge actively discourages 'followers' , he just presents the teachings and the possibilty for those who wish it to integrate. Feelings this amazing within myself is priceless, my family are noticing, my colleagues are noticing and so are others around me. I don't wish to influence anyone, just enjoy my life in a loving way and if that inspires another to do the same so be it. I work in the health system and I can't help but notice how far away so many people are from feeling truly well in themselves and how our rates of illness and disease are escalating. Maybe the human race has got something very wrong and maybe we can try to at least see if another way of living could be worth consoderingFriday at 1:42pm · · 1
- Christopher Marsh Felicity:
1: Check out the blog I posted on this page just recently - you are clearly wrong that UM 'fails' every description of a cult, in fact it satisfies almost every single major criteria.
It is revealing that everyone who posts to defend UM basically responds in a prescripted, robotic away, uttering the same basic phrases and arguments, it shows the extent of your indoctrination with these beliefs. Instead of analysing things for yourself you just blurt out pre-programmed responses, most of which are false anyways.
For example, the claim about never been encouraged to spend money or being 'told what to do' is absolute lies, I know several followers of UM and they both spend lots of money and have their basic behaviour totally governed by Serge. You are made to feel that unless you regularly see practitioners, buy the products, and attend workshops, you are in the wrong 'energy', and Serge also uses this to tell people what to do 'i.e. sleep at this time, eat this food, like this art, believe this claim etc. I know that he claims that he doesn't force anyone to do anything, but the fact of the matter is that he is so good at implanting his beliefs into his followers that he doesn't need to, they do it for him. This is still a form of forcing people to do something, just a more subliminal form.
Perhaps you say you feel better, but this is based on delusional beliefs and is not healthy. Many people claim to feel 'happy' or 'well' by following destructive beliefs, I'm sure Al-Queda or Charles Manson followers feel great with their brainwashing, but that doesn't justify it or make it any less harmful.
And regarding the health system, medicine isn't perfect, but it has done far more for human health than any pseudoscientific babbling has done in thousands of years. Rates of disease are NOT escalating, Serge's claim about that is fabricated and misleading, in fact most major diseases have seen their mortality rates drop hugely. So again you are wrong. Increased cancer etc which Serge likes to claim is an effect of 'energetic' problems is just a consequence of growing ageing populations in industrialised nations, which exist BECAUSE of health improvements.
Good day.12 minutes ago · - Christopher Marsh And everyone, please observe the odd similarities between the posts by Felicity and Mark. You speak about freedom Mark, but UM does not encourage freedom at all. It treats all other beliefs systems as negative or 'prana', so it is not this passive, non-absolutist 'different way of life' that all you followers like to pretend that it is. It is totalitarian.
I agree with you Chris Marsh , in my mind this is a cult with a very sinister underbelly , The people sucked into it are either vulnerable, gullible or just plain stupid. One minute of Chris James's bellowing or benhayon pontificating and I'm ready dive under the first bus.I can't believe people will pay money to be dumbed down by this lot, maybe they will wake up one day- I don't really care. Fergus